Goodlife News


22nd June, 2022

Oh damn, do people still make these news posts? It's been over a year, please don't. 


Goodlife is officially out of jailer.


With our kill on jailer we set our best rank up until today, rank 217. 

What was a crushing tier has finally come to an end. With a total pull count of (sadly) just above 420 we finish off our Jailer progression. 

We would be lying if we said this was our best tier so far. Even though we manage to increase our rankings, we did so with an increased schedule. We saw plenty of issues show up on Lihuvim - Halondrus - Anduin - Lords. Whilst keeping our heads held high we kept smashing out the pulls until we got close to the kill. 

Meeting the first wall in Halondrus was early, way too early. We decided to extend after Halondrus. After killing him, we almost immediately received a news post that showed our biggest fear: the big nerfs got close to our progression. 

We went on to Anduin, and were able to finish him off after a few pulls too many. Where RNG played a part, we certainly will blame the existing bug that made our instance inaccessible for 2 -almost full- raid evenings. We tried to look at the bright side of life and went on with him on our next raid day.

Lords took longer than our anticipated 15 minutes, luckily we made up for that time no Rygelon. As always we saw ourselves go into efficiency-mode when the end of the tier creeped up closer.

After numerous mind controls, hole-diving, heal-sniping and exploding kitt- bombs, we managed to push Jailer into his last 5%. Out of nowhere we became consistent realising freedom was close. With exactly 10 sub 5% pulls, we managed to kill him on that exact 10th. We missed a 500K pull, where our raid leader certainly will find an excuse for.



We set our eyes on Fated raids & Dragonflight. 

Recruitment is open!

If you think you have what it takes to compete in our roster, we urge you to apply.
We are always on the lookout for great players to strengthen our roster, regardless of previous experience.
So what are you waiting for?

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Recruitment is open!

If you think you have what it takes to compete in our roster, we urge you to apply.
We are always on the lookout for great players to strengthen our roster, regardless of previous experience.
So what are you waiting for?

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